COINS International Symposium was held on Tuesday, November 24.
The 2st COINS International Symposium was held on Tuesday, November 24 at Ito Hall, Ito International Research Center, under the theme of "Open Innovation Platform for Smart Health Society".
There were three oral sessions (Session 1 "Integration of research & Technologies", Session 2 "Innovation Ecosystem in Kawasaki" and Session4 "Global Innovation Ecosystem"), a poster session (Session 3) and panel discussion (Session 5). During the three oral sessions, 10 speakers from each session gave stimulating and motivational talks and raised challenges, and opinions were lively exchanged.
For the poster session, there were 23 research presentations primarily given by the younger scientists. The audience present took a deep interest in the session.
The panel discussion was held by PL Prof. Hiromichi Kimura as moderator and the 4 invited speakers and RL Prof. Kazunori Kataoka as panelists. This symposium was a great success, drawing a total of approximately 250 participants.
With the opening of iCONM, which is now a core COINS research center, it has given the COINS members renewed determination to progress R&D and persue the consequent social implementation.
iCONM, the core of COINS research center becomes operational started in April this year, for the COINS members, it became a very meaningful opportunity to renew our determination to achieve the social implementation of the progress and the results of more and more of research and development.
- Dr.Hiroshi Komiyama,
Chairman, Mitsubishi Research Institute
Chairman, COI Stream Governing Committee

Session 1 <Integration of Research & Technologies>
- Dr.Muthiah Manoharan
Senior Vice President, Alnylam pharmaceuticals
"Therapeutic RNA Interference (RNAi) for Human Disease"

- Dr.Sai Kiang Lim
Director, A*STAR Institute of Medical Biology.
"Extracellular Vesicles, Nature’s Nanomedicine"

- Dr.Horacio Cabral
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
"Dealing with Tumor Heterogeneity through Supramolecular Nanomedicines"

- Dr.Yoshihiro Muragaki,
Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
"Sonodynamic therapy based on combined use of drug delivery system and focused ultrasound"

Session 2 <Innovation Ecosystem in Kawasaki>
- Dr.Yoshihiro Adachi,
Representative, Liaison Center for Creation of Industry & Environment "iCONM, The Global Innovation Center of Excellence"

- Dr.Junichi Masuda,
Director, Kawasaki Municipal Hospital "Kawasaki Municipal Hospital’s expectations from COINS"

- Mr.Hirofumi Shiono,
R&D Manager, Nikon Corporation "Research environment in iCONM and development of the nano-diagnosis system"

Session 3 <Poster session & Break>
- Short presentation / Poster presentation

Session 4 <Global Innovation Ecosystem>

- Mr.Dong Wu
Head of Innovation Center, Asia Pacific,
Johnson & Johnson Innovation
"Accelerating Entrepreneurship in Japan"

- Dr.Leonidas Karapiperis
Minister-Counsellor, Delegation of the
European Union to Japan
"Horizon 2020: EU's Research and Innovation
Programme and International Cooperation"

- Mr.Assaf Barnea
CEO, Sanara Ventures
"MedTech innovation & investment trends:
Sanara Ventures, a model for an open
innovation-investment platform under Teva
and Philips"
Session 5 Panel Discussion "Development of human resources for Innovation"

- Moderator:
Dr.Hiromichi Kimura,
Professor, The University of Tokyo
COINS Project Leader

- Panelists:
Mr.Akiyuki Nagase,
President, Nagase Corporation
Mr.Koji Nakao,
Chairman, The Japan Federation of Medical Devices Association
Dr.Masuhiro Kato,
Project Professor, Translational Research Initiative, The University of Tokyo
Mr.Takeo Arimoto,
Senior fellow, JST
Dr.Kazunori Kataoka,
Professor, The University of Tokyo
COINS Research Leader
Closing Remarks
- Dr.Hiromichi Kimura,
COINS Project Leader

- Commemorative photo